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Operation on runtime storage using hashed keys.


Check to see if key has an explicit entry in storage.

Return the value of the item in storage under key, or None if there is no explicit entry.

Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value if there is no explicit entry.

Return the value of the item in storage under key, or the type’s default if there is no explicit entry.

Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value() if there is no explicit entry.

Get a Vec of bytes from storage.

Ensure key has no explicit entry in storage.

Put value in storage under key.

Put a raw byte slice into storage.

Remove key from storage, returning its value if it had an explicit entry or None otherwise.

Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value if there is no explicit entry. Ensure there is no explicit entry on return.

Remove key from storage, returning its value, or, if there was no explicit entry in storage, the default for its type.

Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value() if there is no explicit entry. Ensure there is no explicit entry on return.