pub trait Clone {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;

    fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) { ... }
Expand description

A common trait for the ability to explicitly duplicate an object.

Differs from Copy in that Copy is implicit and an inexpensive bit-wise copy, while Clone is always explicit and may or may not be expensive. In order to enforce these characteristics, Rust does not allow you to reimplement Copy, but you may reimplement Clone and run arbitrary code.

Since Clone is more general than Copy, you can automatically make anything Copy be Clone as well.


This trait can be used with #[derive] if all fields are Clone. The derived implementation of Clone calls clone on each field.

For a generic struct, #[derive] implements Clone conditionally by adding bound Clone on generic parameters.

// `derive` implements Clone for Reading<T> when T is Clone.
struct Reading<T> {
    frequency: T,

How can I implement Clone?

Types that are Copy should have a trivial implementation of Clone. More formally: if T: Copy, x: T, and y: &T, then let x = y.clone(); is equivalent to let x = *y;. Manual implementations should be careful to uphold this invariant; however, unsafe code must not rely on it to ensure memory safety.

An example is a generic struct holding a function pointer. In this case, the implementation of Clone cannot be derived, but can be implemented as:

struct Generate<T>(fn() -> T);

impl<T> Copy for Generate<T> {}

impl<T> Clone for Generate<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

Additional implementors

In addition to the implementors listed below, the following types also implement Clone:

  • Function item types (i.e., the distinct types defined for each function)
  • Function pointer types (e.g., fn() -> i32)
  • Tuple types, if each component also implements Clone (e.g., (), (i32, bool))
  • Closure types, if they capture no value from the environment or if all such captured values implement Clone themselves. Note that variables captured by shared reference always implement Clone (even if the referent doesn’t), while variables captured by mutable reference never implement Clone.

Required methods

Returns a copy of the value.

let hello = "Hello"; // &str implements Clone

assert_eq!("Hello", hello.clone());

Provided methods

Performs copy-assignment from source.

a.clone_from(&b) is equivalent to a = b.clone() in functionality, but can be overridden to reuse the resources of a to avoid unnecessary allocations.

Implementations on Foreign Types

Clone a sender to send to other threads.

Note, be aware of the lifetime of the sender because all senders (including the original) need to be dropped in order for Receiver::recv to stop blocking.


Panics if the value is currently mutably borrowed.


Panics if other is currently mutably borrowed.

Shared references can be cloned, but mutable references cannot!

Shared references can be cloned, but mutable references cannot!

Makes a clone of the Weak pointer that points to the same allocation.

use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};

let weak_five = Arc::downgrade(&Arc::new(5));

let _ = Weak::clone(&weak_five);

Makes a clone of the Rc pointer.

This creates another pointer to the same allocation, increasing the strong reference count.

use std::rc::Rc;

let five = Rc::new(5);

let _ = Rc::clone(&five);

Makes a clone of the Arc pointer.

This creates another pointer to the same allocation, increasing the strong reference count.

use std::sync::Arc;

let five = Arc::new(5);

let _ = Arc::clone(&five);

Returns a new box with a clone() of this box’s contents.

let x = Box::new(5);
let y = x.clone();

// The value is the same
assert_eq!(x, y);

// But they are unique objects
assert_ne!(&*x as *const i32, &*y as *const i32);

Copies source’s contents into self without creating a new allocation.

let x = Box::new(5);
let mut y = Box::new(10);
let yp: *const i32 = &*y;


// The value is the same
assert_eq!(x, y);

// And no allocation occurred
assert_eq!(yp, &*y);

Makes a clone of the Weak pointer that points to the same allocation.

use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};

let weak_five = Rc::downgrade(&Rc::new(5));

let _ = Weak::clone(&weak_five);

Cloning an ANSIGenericString will clone its underlying string.


use ansi_term::ANSIString;

let plain_string = ANSIString::from("a plain string");
let clone_string = plain_string.clone();
assert_eq!(clone_string, plain_string);

impl Clone for input_keymap_entry

impl Clone for Entry


impl Clone for Adler32

impl Clone for AHasher

impl<S: Clone + StateID> Clone for AhoCorasick<S>

impl Clone for MatchKind

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for ErrorKind

impl Clone for MatchKind

impl Clone for Config

impl Clone for Builder

impl Clone for Searcher

impl Clone for Match

impl Clone for Prefix

impl Clone for Infix

impl Clone for Suffix

impl Clone for Style

impl Clone for Colour

impl<'a, S: 'a + ToOwned + ?Sized> Clone for ANSIGenericString<'a, S> where
    <S as ToOwned>::Owned: Debug

impl<'a> Clone for Chain<'a>

impl<T, const CAP: usize> Clone for IntoIter<T, CAP> where
    T: Clone

impl<T, const CAP: usize> Clone for ArrayVec<T, CAP> where
    T: Clone

impl<const CAP: usize> Clone for ArrayString<CAP>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for CapacityError<T>

impl Clone for Frame

impl Clone for PrintFmt

impl Clone for Backtrace

impl Clone for Config

impl Clone for Language

impl Clone for Mnemonic

impl Clone for Seed

impl<O: Clone, V: Clone> Clone for IntoIter<O, V> where
    O: BitOrder,
    V: BitView

impl<O, V> Clone for BitArray<O, V> where
    O: BitOrder,
    V: BitView

impl<O, T> Clone for BitDomain<'_, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<T> Clone for Domain<'_, T> where
    T: BitStore

impl<R: Clone> Clone for BitIdx<R> where
    R: BitRegister

impl<R: Clone> Clone for BitIdxError<R> where
    R: BitRegister

impl<R: Clone> Clone for BitTail<R> where
    R: BitRegister

impl<R: Clone> Clone for BitPos<R> where
    R: BitRegister

impl<R: Clone> Clone for BitSel<R> where
    R: BitRegister

impl<R: Clone> Clone for BitMask<R> where
    R: BitRegister

impl Clone for Const

impl Clone for Mut

impl Clone for Lsb0

impl Clone for Msb0

impl<M, T> Clone for Address<M, T> where
    M: Mutability,
    T: BitStore

impl<T: Clone> Clone for AddressError<T> where
    T: BitStore

impl<O, T> Clone for BitRef<'_, Const, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<M, O, T> Clone for BitPtrRange<M, O, T> where
    M: Mutability,
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<M, O, T> Clone for BitPtr<M, O, T> where
    M: Mutability,
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<T: Clone> Clone for BitPtrError<T> where
    T: BitStore,
    T::Mem: Clone

impl<T: Clone> Clone for BitSpanError<T> where
    T: BitStore

impl<O, T> Clone for Iter<'_, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for Windows<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for Chunks<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for ChunksExact<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for RChunks<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for RChunksExact<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone, P: Clone> Clone for Split<'a, O, T, P> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore,
    P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone, P: Clone> Clone for RSplit<'a, O, T, P> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore,
    P: FnMut(usize, &bool) -> bool

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for IterOnes<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<'a, O: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for IterZeros<'a, O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<O, T> Clone for BitBox<O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl<O, T> Clone for BitVec<O, T> where
    O: BitOrder,
    T: BitStore

impl Clone for Blake2b

impl Clone for Blake2s

impl<BlockSize: Clone + ArrayLength<u8>> Clone for BlockBuffer<BlockSize>

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for BigEndian

impl Clone for Duration

impl<T: Clone> Clone for LocalResult<T>

impl Clone for Local

impl Clone for Utc

impl Clone for NaiveDate

impl Clone for IsoWeek

impl Clone for NaiveTime

impl<Tz: Clone + TimeZone> Clone for Date<Tz> where
    Tz::Offset: Clone

impl<Tz: Clone + TimeZone> Clone for DateTime<Tz> where
    Tz::Offset: Clone

impl Clone for Pad

impl Clone for Numeric

impl Clone for Fixed

impl<'a> Clone for Item<'a>

impl Clone for ParseError

impl Clone for Parsed

impl<'a> Clone for StrftimeItems<'a>

impl Clone for Weekday

impl Clone for Month

impl Clone for Case

impl Clone for MacError

impl<M: Clone + Mac> Clone for Output<M> where
    M::OutputSize: Clone

impl Clone for Scalar

impl Clone for Box<dyn DynDigest>

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for PublicKey

impl<L: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for Either<L, R>

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for ExtrinsicMetadata<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for SignedExtensionMetadata<T> where
    T::String: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for PalletMetadata<T> where
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for PalletStorageMetadata<T> where
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for StorageEntryMetadata<T> where
    T::String: Clone,
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for StorageEntryType<T> where
    T::Type: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for PalletCallMetadata<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for PalletEventMetadata<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for PalletConstantMetadata<T> where
    T::String: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone,
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for PalletErrorMetadata<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<P: Clone> Clone for Braces<P>

impl<P: Clone> Clone for Brackets<P>

impl<P: Clone> Clone for Parens<P>

impl Clone for NoTrailing

impl Clone for Trailing

impl<P: Clone, T: Clone, V: Clone> Clone for PunctuatedInner<P, T, V>

impl Clone for Meta

impl<T: SigningTypes> Clone for Account<T> where
    T::AccountId: Clone,
    T::Public: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Config + Send + Sync> Clone for CheckGenesis<T>

impl<T: Clone + Config + Send + Sync> Clone for CheckMortality<T>

impl<T: Clone + Config> Clone for CheckNonce<T> where
    T::Index: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Config + Send + Sync> Clone for CheckSpecVersion<T>

impl<T: Clone + Config + Send + Sync> Clone for CheckTxVersion<T>

impl<T: Clone + Config + Send + Sync> Clone for CheckWeight<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl Clone for Phase

impl<E: Clone + Parameter + Member, T: Clone> Clone for EventRecord<E, T>

impl<AccountId: Clone> Clone for RawOrigin<AccountId>

impl<Index: Clone, AccountData: Clone> Clone for AccountInfo<Index, AccountData>

impl Clone for SendError

impl<T: Clone> Clone for TrySendError<T>

impl<T> Clone for Sender<T>

impl<T> Clone for UnboundedSender<T>

impl Clone for Canceled

impl Clone for ThreadPool

impl<Fut: Future> Clone for WeakShared<Fut>

impl<Fut> Clone for Shared<Fut> where
    Fut: Future

impl<T> Clone for Pending<T>

impl<F: Clone> Clone for OptionFuture<F>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for PollImmediate<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Ready<T>

impl<A: Clone, B: Clone> Clone for Either<A, B>

impl<I: Clone> Clone for Iter<I>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Repeat<T>

impl<F: Clone> Clone for RepeatWith<F>

impl<T> Clone for Empty<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pending<T>

impl<S: Clone> Clone for PollImmediate<S>

impl Clone for PollNext

impl<Si: Clone, F: Clone> Clone for SinkMapErr<Si, F>

impl<Si, Item, U, Fut, F> Clone for With<Si, Item, U, Fut, F> where
    Si: Clone,
    F: Clone,
    Fut: Clone

impl<T: Clone> Clone for AllowStdIo<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Cursor<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Abortable<T>

impl Clone for Aborted

impl<T: Clone, N> Clone for GenericArray<T, N> where
    N: ArrayLength<T>, 

impl<T: Clone, N> Clone for GenericArrayIter<T, N> where
    N: ArrayLength<T>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Format

impl Clone for Encoding

impl Clone for Register

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugAbbrevOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugAddrBase<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugAddrIndex<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugArangesOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugInfoOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugLineOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugLineStrOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugLocListsBase<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugLocListsIndex<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugMacinfoOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugMacroOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for RangeListsOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugRngListsBase<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugRngListsIndex<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugStrOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugTypesOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DebugFrameOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for EhFrameOffset<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for UnitSectionOffset<T>

impl Clone for SectionId

impl Clone for DwoId

impl Clone for Arm

impl Clone for AArch64

impl Clone for RiscV

impl Clone for X86

impl Clone for X86_64

impl Clone for DwSect

impl Clone for DwSectV2

impl Clone for DwUt

impl Clone for DwCfa

impl Clone for DwChildren

impl Clone for DwTag

impl Clone for DwAt

impl Clone for DwForm

impl Clone for DwAte

impl Clone for DwLle

impl Clone for DwDs

impl Clone for DwEnd

impl Clone for DwAccess

impl Clone for DwVis

impl Clone for DwLang

impl Clone for DwAddr

impl Clone for DwId

impl Clone for DwCc

impl Clone for DwInl

impl Clone for DwOrd

impl Clone for DwDsc

impl Clone for DwIdx

impl Clone for DwLns

impl Clone for DwLne

impl Clone for DwLnct

impl Clone for DwMacro

impl Clone for DwRle

impl Clone for DwOp

impl Clone for DwEhPe

impl Clone for BigEndian

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugAddr<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for DebugFrame<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for EhFrameHdr<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for ParsedEhFrameHdr<R>

impl<'a, R: Clone + Reader> Clone for EhHdrTable<'a, R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for EhFrame<R>

impl<'bases, Section: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for CfiEntriesIter<'bases, Section, R> where
    R: Reader,
    Section: UnwindSection<R>, 

impl<'bases, Section: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for CieOrFde<'bases, Section, R> where
    R: Reader,
    Section: UnwindSection<R>, 

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for CommonInformationEntry<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<'bases, Section: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for PartialFrameDescriptionEntry<'bases, Section, R> where
    R: Reader,
    Section: UnwindSection<R>,
    R::Offset: Clone,
    R::Offset: Clone,
    Section::Offset: Clone

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for FrameDescriptionEntry<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone + Reader, A: Clone + UnwindContextStorage<R>> Clone for UnwindContext<R, A> where
    A::Stack: Clone

impl<'iter, R: Clone> Clone for RegisterRuleIter<'iter, R> where
    R: Reader

impl<R: Reader, S: UnwindContextStorage<R>> Clone for UnwindTableRow<R, S>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for CfaRule<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for RegisterRule<R>

impl<'a, R: Clone + Reader> Clone for CallFrameInstructionIter<'a, R>

impl Clone for Pointer

impl<'input, Endian: Clone> Clone for EndianSlice<'input, Endian> where
    Endian: Endianity

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugAbbrev<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugAranges<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for ArangeHeaderIter<R> where
    R::Offset: Clone

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for ArangeHeader<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for ArangeEntryIter<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugCuIndex<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugTuIndex<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for UnitIndex<R>

impl<'index, R: Clone + Reader> Clone for UnitIndexSectionIterator<'index, R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugLine<R>

impl<R: Clone, Program: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for LineRows<R, Program, Offset> where
    Program: LineProgram<R, Offset>,
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for LineInstruction<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for LineInstructions<R>

impl Clone for LineRow

impl Clone for ColumnType

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for LineSequence<R>

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for LineProgramHeader<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for IncompleteLineProgram<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for CompleteLineProgram<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for FileEntry<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugLoc<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugLocLists<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for LocationLists<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for RawLocListEntry<R> where
    R::Offset: Clone,
    R::Offset: Clone,
    R::Offset: Clone,
    R::Offset: Clone

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for LocationListEntry<R>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for DieReference<T>

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for Operation<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for Location<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for Piece<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for Expression<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for OperationIter<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for PubNamesEntry<R> where
    R::Offset: Clone,
    R::Offset: Clone

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for DebugPubNames<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for PubNamesEntryIter<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for PubTypesEntry<R> where
    R::Offset: Clone,
    R::Offset: Clone

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for DebugPubTypes<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for PubTypesEntryIter<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugRanges<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugRngLists<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for RangeLists<R>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for RawRngListEntry<T>

impl Clone for Range

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugStr<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugStrOffsets<R>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugLineStr<R>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for UnitOffset<T>

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugInfo<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for DebugInfoUnitHeadersIter<R> where
    R::Offset: Clone

impl<Offset: Clone> Clone for UnitType<Offset> where
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for UnitHeader<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for DebuggingInformationEntry<'abbrev, 'unit, R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone, Offset: Clone> Clone for AttributeValue<R, Offset> where
    R: Reader<Offset = Offset>,
    Offset: ReaderOffset

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for Attribute<R>

impl<'abbrev, 'entry, 'unit, R: Clone + Reader> Clone for AttrsIter<'abbrev, 'entry, 'unit, R>

impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R: Clone> Clone for EntriesRaw<'abbrev, 'unit, R> where
    R: Reader

impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R: Clone> Clone for EntriesCursor<'abbrev, 'unit, R> where
    R: Reader

impl<'abbrev, 'unit, R: Clone> Clone for EntriesTree<'abbrev, 'unit, R> where
    R: Reader

impl<R: Clone> Clone for DebugTypes<R>

impl<R: Clone + Reader> Clone for DebugTypesUnitHeadersIter<R> where
    R::Offset: Clone

impl Clone for ValueType

impl Clone for Value

impl Clone for Error

impl<K: Clone, V: Clone, S: Clone, A: Allocator + Clone> Clone for HashMap<K, V, S, A>

impl<K, V> Clone for Iter<'_, K, V>

impl<K, V> Clone for Keys<'_, K, V>

impl<K, V> Clone for Values<'_, K, V>

impl<T: Clone, S: Clone, A: Allocator + Clone> Clone for HashSet<T, S, A>

impl<K> Clone for Iter<'_, K>

impl<T, S, A: Allocator + Clone> Clone for Intersection<'_, T, S, A>

impl<T, S, A: Allocator + Clone> Clone for Difference<'_, T, S, A>

impl<T, S, A: Allocator + Clone> Clone for SymmetricDifference<'_, T, S, A>

impl<T, S, A: Allocator + Clone> Clone for Union<'_, T, S, A>

impl<D> Clone for Hmac<D> where
    D: Update + BlockInput + FixedOutput + Reset + Default + Clone,
    D::BlockSize: ArrayLength<u8>, 

impl Clone for Buffer

impl Clone for DIR

impl Clone for group

impl Clone for utimbuf

impl Clone for timeval

impl Clone for timespec

impl Clone for rlimit

impl Clone for rusage

impl Clone for ipv6_mreq

impl Clone for hostent

impl Clone for iovec

impl Clone for pollfd

impl Clone for winsize

impl Clone for linger

impl Clone for sigval

impl Clone for itimerval

impl Clone for tms

impl Clone for servent

impl Clone for protoent

impl Clone for FILE

impl Clone for fpos_t

impl Clone for timezone

impl Clone for in_addr

impl Clone for ip_mreq

impl Clone for sockaddr

impl Clone for addrinfo

impl Clone for fd_set

impl Clone for tm

impl Clone for Dl_info

impl Clone for lconv

impl Clone for in_pktinfo

impl Clone for ifaddrs

impl Clone for in6_rtmsg

impl Clone for arpreq

impl Clone for arpreq_old

impl Clone for arphdr

impl Clone for mmsghdr

impl Clone for utsname

impl Clone for sigevent

impl Clone for fpos64_t

impl Clone for rlimit64

impl Clone for glob_t

impl Clone for passwd

impl Clone for spwd

impl Clone for dqblk

impl Clone for itimerspec

impl Clone for fsid_t

impl Clone for cpu_set_t

impl Clone for msginfo

impl Clone for sembuf

impl Clone for input_id

impl Clone for input_mask

impl Clone for ff_replay

impl Clone for ff_trigger

impl Clone for ff_effect

impl Clone for Elf32_Ehdr

impl Clone for Elf64_Ehdr

impl Clone for Elf32_Sym

impl Clone for Elf64_Sym

impl Clone for Elf32_Phdr

impl Clone for Elf64_Phdr

impl Clone for Elf32_Shdr

impl Clone for Elf64_Shdr

impl Clone for ucred

impl Clone for mntent

impl Clone for genlmsghdr

impl Clone for regmatch_t

impl Clone for can_filter

impl Clone for sock_fprog

impl Clone for nlmsghdr

impl Clone for nlmsgerr

impl Clone for nlattr

impl Clone for dirent

impl Clone for dirent64

impl Clone for af_alg_iv

impl Clone for mq_attr

impl Clone for statx

impl Clone for aiocb

impl Clone for __timeval

impl Clone for glob64_t

impl Clone for msghdr

impl Clone for cmsghdr

impl Clone for termios

impl Clone for mallinfo

impl Clone for mallinfo2

impl Clone for nl_pktinfo

impl Clone for rtentry

impl Clone for timex

impl Clone for ntptimeval

impl Clone for regex_t

impl Clone for Elf64_Chdr

impl Clone for Elf32_Chdr

impl Clone for seminfo

impl Clone for utmpx

impl Clone for sigset_t

impl Clone for sysinfo

impl Clone for msqid_ds

impl Clone for semid_ds

impl Clone for sigaction

impl Clone for statfs

impl Clone for flock

impl Clone for flock64

impl Clone for siginfo_t

impl Clone for stack_t

impl Clone for stat

impl Clone for stat64

impl Clone for statfs64

impl Clone for statvfs64

impl Clone for user

impl Clone for mcontext_t

impl Clone for ipc_perm

impl Clone for shmid_ds

impl Clone for ip_mreqn

impl Clone for ucontext_t

impl Clone for statvfs

impl Clone for sem_t

impl Clone for termios2

impl Clone for can_frame

impl Clone for open_how

impl Clone for in6_addr

impl Clone for PublicKey

impl Clone for SecretKey

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for RecoveryId

impl Clone for Message

impl<D: Clone + Digest> Clone for SharedSecret<D> where
    D::OutputSize: Clone

impl Clone for Field

impl Clone for Affine

impl Clone for Jacobian

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Scalar

impl Clone for Error

impl<'a> Clone for RegressionData<'a>

impl Clone for Level

impl<'a> Clone for Record<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for Metadata<'a>

impl<S: Clone, A: Clone> Clone for Pattern<S, A> where
    S: StateID,
    A: DFA<ID = S>, 

impl<'a, S: Clone, A: Clone> Clone for Matcher<'a, S, A> where
    S: StateID,
    A: DFA<ID = S>, 

impl Clone for Prefilter

impl<'n> Clone for Finder<'n>

impl<'n> Clone for FinderRev<'n>

impl<T> Clone for MemCounter<T>

impl<T> Clone for NoopTracker<T>

impl<H, KF, T, M> Clone for MemoryDB<H, KF, T, M> where
    H: KeyHasher,
    KF: KeyFunction<H>,
    T: Clone,
    M: MemTracker<T> + Copy

impl<H> Clone for HashKey<H>

impl<H> Clone for PrefixedKey<H>

impl Clone for Bytes

impl Clone for Words

impl Clone for Pages

impl Clone for Words

impl Clone for Pages

impl Clone for Transcript

impl Clone for TDEFLFlush

impl Clone for MZFlush

impl Clone for MZStatus

impl Clone for MZError

impl Clone for DataFormat

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for X<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for XY<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for XYZ<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for XYZW<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for XYZWA<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for XYZWAB<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for IJKW<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M2x2<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M2x3<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M2x4<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M2x5<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M2x6<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M3x2<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M3x3<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M3x4<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M3x5<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M3x6<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M4x2<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M4x3<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M4x4<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M4x5<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M4x6<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M5x2<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M5x3<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M5x4<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M5x5<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M5x6<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M6x2<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M6x3<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M6x4<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M6x5<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for M6x6<T>

impl Clone for Dynamic

impl<const R: usize> Clone for Const<R>

impl<'a, T: Clone + Scalar, R: Clone + Dim, C: Clone + Dim, S: Clone + Storage<T, R, C>> Clone for RowIter<'a, T, R, C, S>

impl<'a, T: Clone + Scalar, R: Clone + Dim, C: Clone + Dim, S: Clone + Storage<T, R, C>> Clone for ColumnIter<'a, T, R, C, S>

impl<T: Clone, const R: usize, const C: usize> Clone for ArrayStorage<T, R, C>

impl<T: Clone, R: Clone, C: Clone, S: Clone> Clone for Matrix<T, R, C, S>

impl<'a, T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, RStride: Dim, CStride: Dim> Clone for SliceStorage<'a, T, R, C, RStride, CStride>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Unit<T>

impl<T: Clone, R: Clone + Dim, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for VecStorage<T, R, C>

impl<T: Clone, const D: usize> Clone for Point<T, D>

impl<T: Scalar, const D: usize> Clone for Rotation<T, D> where
    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<T, Const<D>, Const<D>>>::Buffer: Clone

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Quaternion<T>

impl<T: Clone + Scalar> Clone for DualQuaternion<T>

impl<T: Scalar, const D: usize> Clone for Translation<T, D> where
    Owned<T, Const<D>>: Clone

impl<T: Scalar, R: Clone, const D: usize> Clone for Isometry<T, R, D>

impl<T: Scalar + Zero, R: AbstractRotation<T, D> + Clone, const D: usize> Clone for Similarity<T, R, D>

impl Clone for TGeneral

impl Clone for TAffine

impl<T: RealField, C: TCategory, const D: usize> Clone for Transform<T, C, D> where
    Const<D>: DimNameAdd<U1>,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, DimNameSum<Const<D>, U1>, DimNameSum<Const<D>, U1>>, 

impl<T: RealField> Clone for Orthographic3<T>

impl<T: RealField> Clone for Perspective3<T>

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, R: Clone + DimMin<C>, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for Bidiagonal<T, R, C> where
    DimMinimum<R, C>: DimSub<U1>,
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, R, C> + Allocator<T, DimMinimum<R, C>> + Allocator<T, DimDiff<DimMinimum<R, C>, U1>>, 

impl<T: Clone + SimdComplexField, D: Clone + Dim> Clone for Cholesky<T, D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, D, D>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, R: Clone + DimMin<C>, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for ColPivQR<T, R, C> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, R, C> + Allocator<T, DimMinimum<R, C>> + Allocator<(usize, usize), DimMinimum<R, C>>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, R: Clone + DimMin<C>, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for FullPivLU<T, R, C> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, R, C> + Allocator<(usize, usize), DimMinimum<R, C>>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField> Clone for GivensRotation<T> where
    T::RealField: Clone

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, D: Clone + DimSub<U1>> Clone for Hessenberg<T, D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, D, D> + Allocator<T, DimDiff<D, U1>>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, R: Clone + DimMin<C>, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for LU<T, R, C> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, R, C> + Allocator<(usize, usize), DimMinimum<R, C>>, 

impl<D: Clone + Dim> Clone for PermutationSequence<D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<(usize, usize), D>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, R: Clone + DimMin<C>, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for QR<T, R, C> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, R, C> + Allocator<T, DimMinimum<R, C>>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, D: Clone + Dim> Clone for Schur<T, D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, D, D>, 

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, R: Clone + DimMin<C>, C: Clone + Dim> Clone for SVD<T, R, C> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, DimMinimum<R, C>, C> + Allocator<T, R, DimMinimum<R, C>> + Allocator<T::RealField, DimMinimum<R, C>>,
    T::RealField: Clone

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, D: Clone + Dim> Clone for SymmetricEigen<T, D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, D, D> + Allocator<T::RealField, D>,
    T::RealField: Clone

impl<T: Clone + ComplexField, D: Clone + DimSub<U1>> Clone for SymmetricTridiagonal<T, D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, D, D> + Allocator<T, DimDiff<D, U1>>, 

impl<T: Clone + RealField, D: Clone + Dim> Clone for UDU<T, D> where
    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, D> + Allocator<T, D, D>, 

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Complex<T>

impl<A: Clone> Clone for ExtendedGcd<A>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Ratio<T>

impl Clone for ComdatKind

impl Clone for SymbolKind

impl Clone for FileFlags

impl<Section: Clone> Clone for SymbolFlags<Section>

impl Clone for Endianness

impl Clone for BigEndian

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for U16Bytes<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for U32Bytes<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for U64Bytes<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for I16Bytes<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for I32Bytes<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for I64Bytes<E>

impl<'data> Clone for Bytes<'data>

impl<'data, R: Clone> Clone for StringTable<'data, R> where
    R: ReadRef<'data>, 

impl<'data> Clone for SectionTable<'data>

impl<'data, 'file, R: Clone> Clone for CoffSymbolTable<'data, 'file, R> where
    R: ReadRef<'data>, 

impl<'data, 'file, R: Clone> Clone for CoffSymbol<'data, 'file, R> where
    R: ReadRef<'data>, 

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader, R: Clone> Clone for SectionTable<'data, Elf, R> where
    R: ReadRef<'data>,
    Elf::SectionHeader: Clone

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader, R: Clone> Clone for SymbolTable<'data, Elf, R> where
    R: ReadRef<'data>,
    Elf::Sym: Clone

impl<'data, 'file, Elf: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for ElfSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where
    'data: 'file,
    Elf: FileHeader,
    R: ReadRef<'data>,
    Elf::Endian: Clone

impl<'data, 'file, Elf: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for ElfSymbol<'data, 'file, Elf, R> where
    'data: 'file,
    Elf: FileHeader,
    R: ReadRef<'data>,
    Elf::Endian: Clone,
    Elf::Sym: Clone

impl<'data> Clone for Version<'data>

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader> Clone for VersionTable<'data, Elf> where
    Elf::Endian: Clone

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader> Clone for VerdefIterator<'data, Elf> where
    Elf::Endian: Clone

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader> Clone for VerdauxIterator<'data, Elf> where
    Elf::Endian: Clone

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader> Clone for VerneedIterator<'data, Elf> where
    Elf::Endian: Clone

impl<'data, Elf: Clone + FileHeader> Clone for VernauxIterator<'data, Elf> where
    Elf::Endian: Clone

impl<'data, E: Clone + Endian> Clone for LoadCommandIterator<'data, E>

impl<'data, E: Clone + Endian> Clone for LoadCommandData<'data, E>

impl<'data, E: Clone + Endian> Clone for LoadCommandVariant<'data, E>

impl<'data, Mach: Clone + MachHeader, R: Clone> Clone for SymbolTable<'data, Mach, R> where
    R: ReadRef<'data>,
    Mach::Nlist: Clone

impl<'data, 'file, Mach: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for MachOSymbolTable<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where
    Mach: MachHeader,
    R: ReadRef<'data>, 

impl<'data, 'file, Mach: Clone, R: Clone> Clone for MachOSymbol<'data, 'file, Mach, R> where
    Mach: MachHeader,
    R: ReadRef<'data>,
    Mach::Nlist: Clone

impl<'data> Clone for DataDirectories<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ExportTarget<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for Export<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ExportTable<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ImportTable<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ImportDescriptorIterator<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ImportThunkList<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for Import<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for RelocationBlockIterator<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for RelocationIterator<'data>

impl Clone for Relocation

impl<'data> Clone for RichHeaderInfo<'data>

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for FileKind

impl Clone for ObjectKind

impl<T: Clone + SymbolMapEntry> Clone for SymbolMap<T>

impl<'data> Clone for SymbolMapName<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ObjectMap<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for ObjectMapEntry<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for Import<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for Export<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for CodeView<'data>

impl<'data> Clone for CompressedData<'data>

impl Clone for Header

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for FileHeader32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for FileHeader64<E>

impl Clone for Ident

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SectionHeader32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SectionHeader64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Sym32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Sym64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Syminfo32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Syminfo64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Rel32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Rela32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Rel64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Rela64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for ProgramHeader32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for ProgramHeader64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Dyn32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Dyn64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Versym<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Verdef<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Verdaux<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Verneed<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Vernaux<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for NoteHeader32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for NoteHeader64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for HashHeader<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for GnuHashHeader<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DyldCacheHeader<E>

impl Clone for FatHeader

impl Clone for FatArch32

impl Clone for FatArch64

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for MachHeader32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for MachHeader64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for LoadCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for LcStr<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SegmentCommand32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SegmentCommand64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Section32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Section64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Fvmlib<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for FvmlibCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Dylib<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DylibCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SubClientCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SubLibraryCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DylinkerCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for ThreadCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for RoutinesCommand32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for RoutinesCommand64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SymtabCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DysymtabCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DylibModule32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DylibModule64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DylibReference<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for TwolevelHint<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for UuidCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for RpathCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for VersionMinCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for BuildToolVersion<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DyldInfoCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for SymsegCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for IdentCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for FvmfileCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for EntryPointCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for DataInCodeEntry<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for NoteCommand<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Nlist32<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Nlist64<E>

impl<E: Clone + Endian> Clone for Relocation<E>

impl Clone for Guid

impl<T: Clone> Clone for OnceCell<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for OnceCell<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T, I> Clone for Pallet<T, I>

impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Clone for Event<T, I>

impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Clone for Call<T, I>

impl Clone for Reasons

impl<Balance: Clone> Clone for BalanceLock<Balance>

impl<ReserveIdentifier: Clone, Balance: Clone> Clone for ReserveData<ReserveIdentifier, Balance>

impl<Balance: Clone> Clone for AccountData<Balance>

impl<T, I> Clone for Pallet<T, I>

impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Clone for Event<T, I>

impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Clone for Call<T, I>

impl Clone for Reasons

impl<Balance: Clone> Clone for BalanceLock<Balance>

impl<ReserveIdentifier: Clone, Balance: Clone> Clone for ReserveData<ReserveIdentifier, Balance>

impl<Balance: Clone> Clone for AccountData<Balance>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<Balance: Clone, BlockNumber: Clone> Clone for EscrowedAmount<Balance, BlockNumber>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<Balance: Clone> Clone for InclusionFee<Balance>

impl<Balance: Clone> Clone for FeeDetails<Balance>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl<T> Clone for Pallet<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Event<T>

impl<T: Config> Clone for Call<T>

impl Clone for OptionBool

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Compact<T>

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for VarUint32

impl Clone for VarUint64

impl Clone for VarUint7

impl Clone for VarInt7

impl Clone for Uint8

impl Clone for VarInt32

impl Clone for VarInt64

impl Clone for Uint32

impl Clone for Uint64

impl Clone for VarUint1

impl<T: Clone + Deserialize> Clone for CountedList<T>

impl<I: Clone + Serialize<Error = Error>, T: Clone + IntoIterator<Item = I>> Clone for CountedListWriter<I, T>

impl Clone for Module

impl Clone for Section

impl Clone for Type

impl Clone for ValueType

impl Clone for BlockType

impl Clone for GlobalType

impl Clone for TableType

impl Clone for MemoryType

impl Clone for External

impl Clone for Internal

impl Clone for InitExpr

impl Clone for Func

impl Clone for Local

impl Clone for FuncBody

impl<T: Clone> Clone for IndexMap<T>

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for OnceState

impl Clone for ParkResult

impl Clone for RequeueOp

impl Clone for FilterOp

impl Clone for ParkToken

impl Clone for YesS3

impl Clone for NoS3

impl Clone for YesS4

impl Clone for NoS4

impl Clone for YesA1

impl Clone for NoA1

impl Clone for YesA2

impl Clone for NoA2

impl Clone for YesNI

impl Clone for NoNI

impl<S3: Clone, S4: Clone, NI: Clone> Clone for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>

impl<NI: Clone> Clone for Avx2Machine<NI>

impl Clone for U128

impl Clone for U256

impl Clone for U512

impl Clone for H128

impl Clone for H160

impl Clone for H256

impl Clone for H512

impl Clone for Span

impl Clone for TokenTree

impl Clone for Group

impl Clone for Delimiter

impl Clone for Punct

impl Clone for Spacing

impl Clone for Ident

impl Clone for Literal

impl Clone for IntoIter

impl Clone for FoundCrate

impl Clone for Bernoulli

impl Clone for Open01

impl<'a, T: Clone> Clone for Slice<'a, T>

impl<X: Clone + SampleUniform + PartialOrd> Clone for WeightedIndex<X> where
    X::Sampler: Clone

impl<X: Clone + SampleUniform> Clone for Uniform<X> where
    X::Sampler: Clone

impl<X: Clone> Clone for UniformInt<X>

impl<X: Clone> Clone for UniformFloat<X>

impl Clone for Standard

impl<R, Rsdr> Clone for ReseedingRng<R, Rsdr> where
    R: BlockRngCore + SeedableRng + Clone,
    Rsdr: RngCore + Clone

impl Clone for StepRng

impl Clone for StdRng

impl Clone for ThreadRng

impl Clone for IndexVec

impl Clone for ChaCha8Rng

impl<R: Clone + BlockRngCore + ?Sized> Clone for BlockRng<R> where
    R::Results: Clone

impl<R: Clone + BlockRngCore + ?Sized> Clone for BlockRng64<R> where
    R::Results: Clone

impl Clone for OsRng

impl Clone for Binomial

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Cauchy<F> where
    F: Float + FloatConst,
    Standard: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Exp1

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Exp<F> where
    F: Float,
    Exp1: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Frechet<F> where
    F: Float,
    OpenClosed01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Gamma<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Exp1: Distribution<F>,
    Open01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for ChiSquared<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Exp1: Distribution<F>,
    Open01: Distribution<F>, 

impl<F: Clone> Clone for FisherF<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Exp1: Distribution<F>,
    Open01: Distribution<F>, 

impl<F: Clone> Clone for StudentT<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Exp1: Distribution<F>,
    Open01: Distribution<F>, 

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Beta<F> where
    F: Float,
    Open01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for BetaError

impl Clone for Geometric

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Gumbel<F> where
    F: Float,
    OpenClosed01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for InverseGaussian<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Standard: Distribution<F>, 

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Normal<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for LogNormal<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for NormalInverseGaussian<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Standard: Distribution<F>, 

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Pareto<F> where
    F: Float,
    OpenClosed01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Pert<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>,
    Exp1: Distribution<F>,
    Open01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for PertError

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Poisson<F> where
    F: Float + FloatConst,
    Standard: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for SkewNormal<F> where
    F: Float,
    StandardNormal: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Triangular<F> where
    F: Float,
    Standard: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for UnitBall

impl Clone for UnitCircle

impl Clone for UnitDisc

impl Clone for UnitSphere

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Weibull<F> where
    F: Float,
    OpenClosed01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for Error

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Zeta<F> where
    F: Float,
    Standard: Distribution<F>,
    OpenClosed01: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for ZetaError

impl<F: Clone> Clone for Zipf<F> where
    F: Float,
    Standard: Distribution<F>, 

impl Clone for ZipfError

impl Clone for Error

impl<'t> Clone for Match<'t>

impl Clone for Regex

impl<'r> Clone for CaptureNames<'r>

impl<'c, 't> Clone for SubCaptureMatches<'c, 't>

impl<'t> Clone for NoExpand<'t>

impl Clone for RegexSet

impl Clone for SetMatches

impl<'a> Clone for SetMatchesIter<'a>

impl Clone for RegexSet

impl Clone for SetMatches

impl<'a> Clone for SetMatchesIter<'a>

impl<'t> Clone for Match<'t>

impl Clone for Regex

impl<'r> Clone for CaptureNames<'r>

impl<'c, 't> Clone for SubCaptureMatches<'c, 't>

impl<'t> Clone for NoExpand<'t>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[S]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for DenseDFA<T, S>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[S]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for Standard<T, S>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[S]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for ByteClass<T, S>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[S]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for Premultiplied<T, S>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[S]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for PremultipliedByteClass<T, S>

impl Clone for Builder

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for ErrorKind

impl<D: Clone + DFA> Clone for Regex<D>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[u8]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for SparseDFA<T, S>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[u8]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for Standard<T, S>

impl<T: Clone + AsRef<[u8]>, S: Clone + StateID> Clone for ByteClass<T, S>

impl Clone for Parser

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for ErrorKind

impl Clone for Span

impl Clone for Position

impl Clone for Comment

impl Clone for Ast

impl Clone for Concat

impl Clone for Literal

impl Clone for Class

impl Clone for ClassPerl

impl Clone for ClassAscii

impl Clone for ClassSet

impl Clone for Assertion

impl Clone for Repetition

impl Clone for Group

impl Clone for GroupKind

impl Clone for SetFlags

impl Clone for Flags

impl Clone for FlagsItem

impl Clone for Flag

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Literals

impl Clone for Literal

impl Clone for Translator

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for ErrorKind

impl Clone for Hir

impl Clone for HirKind

impl Clone for Literal

impl Clone for Class

impl Clone for ClassBytes

impl Clone for Anchor

impl Clone for Group

impl Clone for GroupKind

impl Clone for Repetition

impl Clone for Parser

impl Clone for Utf8Range

impl Clone for Buffer

impl Clone for MetaForm

impl<T: Clone> Clone for UntrackedSymbol<T>

impl<'a, T: Clone> Clone for Symbol<'a, T>

impl Clone for MetaType

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefComposite<T>

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for Field<T> where
    T::String: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone,
    T::String: Clone,
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for Path<T> where
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefVariant<T>

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for Variant<T> where
    T::String: Clone,
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for Type<T> where
    T::String: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeParameter<T> where
    T::String: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDef<T>

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefArray<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefTuple<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefSequence<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefCompact<T> where
    T::Type: Clone

impl<T: Clone + Form> Clone for TypeDefBitSequence<T> where
    T::Type: Clone,
    T::Type: Clone

impl Clone for SecretKey

impl Clone for PublicKey

impl Clone for Keypair

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for VRFOutput

impl Clone for VRFInOut

impl Clone for VRFProof

impl Clone for ChainCode

impl<K: Clone> Clone for ExtendedKey<K>

impl Clone for Commitment

impl Clone for Reveal

impl<S> Clone for Secret<S> where
    S: CloneableSecret

impl Clone for Error

impl<E> Clone for UnitDeserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for BoolDeserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for I8Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for I16Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for I32Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for I64Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for IsizeDeserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for U8Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for U16Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for U64Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for UsizeDeserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for F32Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for F64Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for CharDeserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for I128Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for U128Deserializer<E>

impl<E> Clone for U32Deserializer<E>

impl<'de, E> Clone for StrDeserializer<'de, E>

impl<'de, E> Clone for BorrowedStrDeserializer<'de, E>

impl<E> Clone for StringDeserializer<E>

impl<'a, E> Clone for CowStrDeserializer<'a, E>

impl<'a, E> Clone for BytesDeserializer<'a, E>

impl<'de, E> Clone for BorrowedBytesDeserializer<'de, E>

impl<I: Clone, E: Clone> Clone for SeqDeserializer<I, E>

impl<'de, I, E> Clone for MapDeserializer<'de, I, E> where
    I: Iterator + Clone,
    I::Item: Pair,
    <I::Item as Pair>::Second: Clone

impl Clone for IgnoredAny

impl<'a> Clone for Unexpected<'a>

impl Clone for Category

impl Clone for Map<String, Value>

impl<'a> Clone for PrettyFormatter<'a>

impl Clone for Value

impl Clone for Number

impl Clone for Sha256

impl Clone for Sha224

impl Clone for Sha512

impl Clone for Sha384

impl<N: Clone> Clone for AutoSimd<N>

impl<N: Clone> Clone for AutoBoolSimd<N>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Slab<T>

impl<'a, T> Clone for Iter<'a, T>

impl<A: Array> Clone for SmallVec<A> where
    A::Item: Clone

impl<A: Array + Clone> Clone for IntoIter<A> where
    A::Item: Clone

impl Clone for Public

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for Pair

impl Clone for Public

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for Pair

impl Clone for Public

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for Pair

impl Clone for BigUint

impl Clone for FixedI64

impl Clone for FixedI128

impl Clone for FixedU128

impl Clone for Percent

impl Clone for PerU16

impl Clone for Permill

impl Clone for Perbill

impl Clone for Dummy

impl Clone for KeyTypeId

impl Clone for Public

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for Pair

impl Clone for Public

impl Clone for Pair

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for HttpError

impl Clone for Timestamp

impl Clone for Duration

impl Clone for Entry

impl Clone for Public

impl Clone for Pair

impl Clone for Signature

impl<'a> Clone for RuntimeCode<'a>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnNamed + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnNamed + Send + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnNamed + Sync + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnNamed + Send + Sync + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnEssentialNamed + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnEssentialNamed + Send + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnEssentialNamed + Sync + 'clone>

impl<'clone> Clone for Box<dyn SpawnEssentialNamed + Send + Sync + 'clone>

impl Clone for Bytes

impl Clone for LogLevel

impl Clone for Void

impl<Block: Clone + BlockT> Clone for BlockId<Block> where
    Block::Hash: Clone

impl<Header: Clone, Extrinsic: Clone + MaybeSerialize> Clone for Block<Header, Extrinsic>

impl<Block: Clone> Clone for SignedBlock<Block>

impl<AccountId: Clone, Call: Clone, Extra: Clone> Clone for CheckedExtrinsic<AccountId, Call, Extra>

impl Clone for Digest

impl Clone for DigestItem

impl<'a> Clone for DigestItemRef<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for OpaqueDigestItemId<'a>

impl Clone for Era

impl<Number: Clone + Copy + Into<U256> + TryFrom<U256>, Hash: Clone + HashT> Clone for Header<Number, Hash> where
    Hash::Output: Clone,
    Hash::Output: Clone,
    Hash::Output: Clone

impl<Address: Clone, Call: Clone, Signature: Clone, Extra: Clone> Clone for UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, Call, Signature, Extra> where
    Extra: SignedExtension

impl<AccountId: Clone, AccountIndex: Clone> Clone for MultiAddress<AccountId, AccountIndex>

impl Clone for Method

impl<'a, T: Clone> Clone for Request<'a, T>

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Headers

impl<'a> Clone for HeadersIterator<'a>

impl<Xt: Clone> Clone for ExtrinsicWrapper<Xt>

impl<Xt: Clone> Clone for Block<Xt>

impl<Call: Clone, Extra: Clone> Clone for TestXt<Call, Extra>

impl Clone for Keccak256

impl<Info: Clone> Clone for DispatchErrorWithPostInfo<Info> where
    Info: Eq + PartialEq + Clone + Copy + Encode + Decode + Printable

impl Clone for TokenError

impl<Reporter: Clone, Offender: Clone> Clone for OffenceDetails<Reporter, Offender>

impl<H: Hasher> Clone for TrieBackend<MemoryDB<H>, H> where
    H::Out: Codec + Ord

impl<Hash: Clone> Clone for ProofRecorder<Hash>

impl Clone for UsageUnit

impl Clone for UsageInfo

impl<F: Clone> Clone for ExecutionManager<F>

impl Clone for StorageKey

impl Clone for Storage

impl Clone for ChildInfo

impl Clone for ChildType

impl Clone for Timestamp

impl Clone for WasmLevel

impl Clone for WasmValue

impl Clone for WasmFields

impl Clone for Error

impl<H: Clone> Clone for NodeCodec<H>

impl Clone for TrieStream

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for ValueType

impl Clone for Value

impl<T: Clone + PointerType> Clone for Pointer<T>

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for ParseError

impl Clone for Bernoulli

impl Clone for Beta

impl Clone for Binomial

impl Clone for Cauchy

impl Clone for Chi

impl Clone for ChiSquared

impl Clone for Dirac

impl Clone for Dirichlet

impl Clone for Empirical

impl Clone for Erlang

impl Clone for Exp

impl Clone for Gamma

impl Clone for Geometric

impl Clone for Laplace

impl Clone for LogNormal

impl Clone for Normal

impl Clone for Pareto

impl Clone for Poisson

impl Clone for StudentsT

impl Clone for Triangular

impl Clone for Uniform

impl Clone for Weibull

impl<D: Clone> Clone for Data<D>

impl Clone for ParseError

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Choice

impl<T: Clone> Clone for CtOption<T>

impl Clone for Underscore

impl Clone for Abstract

impl Clone for As

impl Clone for Async

impl Clone for Auto

impl Clone for Await

impl Clone for Become

impl Clone for Box

impl Clone for Break

impl Clone for Const

impl Clone for Continue

impl Clone for Crate

impl Clone for Default

impl Clone for Do

impl Clone for Dyn

impl Clone for Else

impl Clone for Enum

impl Clone for Extern

impl Clone for Final

impl Clone for Fn

impl Clone for For

impl Clone for If

impl Clone for Impl

impl Clone for In

impl Clone for Let

impl Clone for Loop

impl Clone for Macro

impl Clone for Match

impl Clone for Mod

impl Clone for Move

impl Clone for Mut

impl Clone for Override

impl Clone for Priv

impl Clone for Pub

impl Clone for Ref

impl Clone for Return

impl Clone for SelfType

impl Clone for SelfValue

impl Clone for Static

impl Clone for Struct

impl Clone for Super

impl Clone for Trait

impl Clone for Try

impl Clone for Type

impl Clone for Typeof

impl Clone for Union

impl Clone for Unsafe

impl Clone for Unsized

impl Clone for Use

impl Clone for Virtual

impl Clone for Where

impl Clone for While

impl Clone for Yield

impl Clone for Add

impl Clone for AddEq

impl Clone for And

impl Clone for AndAnd

impl Clone for AndEq

impl Clone for At

impl Clone for Bang

impl Clone for Caret

impl Clone for CaretEq

impl Clone for Colon

impl Clone for Colon2

impl Clone for Comma

impl Clone for Div

impl Clone for DivEq

impl Clone for Dollar

impl Clone for Dot

impl Clone for Dot2

impl Clone for Dot3

impl Clone for DotDotEq

impl Clone for Eq

impl Clone for EqEq

impl Clone for Ge

impl Clone for Gt

impl Clone for Le

impl Clone for Lt

impl Clone for MulEq

impl Clone for Ne

impl Clone for Or

impl Clone for OrEq

impl Clone for OrOr

impl Clone for Pound

impl Clone for Question

impl Clone for RArrow

impl Clone for LArrow

impl Clone for Rem

impl Clone for RemEq

impl Clone for FatArrow

impl Clone for Semi

impl Clone for Shl

impl Clone for ShlEq

impl Clone for Shr

impl Clone for ShrEq

impl Clone for Star

impl Clone for Sub

impl Clone for SubEq

impl Clone for Tilde

impl Clone for Brace

impl Clone for Bracket

impl Clone for Paren

impl Clone for Group

impl<'a> Clone for ImplGenerics<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for TypeGenerics<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for Turbofish<'a>

impl Clone for Lifetime

impl Clone for LitStr

impl Clone for LitByteStr

impl Clone for LitByte

impl Clone for LitChar

impl Clone for LitInt

impl Clone for LitFloat

impl<'a> Clone for Cursor<'a>

impl<T, P> Clone for Punctuated<T, P> where
    T: Clone,
    P: Clone

impl<'a, T, P> Clone for Pairs<'a, T, P>

impl<T, P> Clone for IntoPairs<T, P> where
    T: Clone,
    P: Clone

impl<T> Clone for IntoIter<T> where
    T: Clone

impl<'a, T> Clone for Iter<'a, T>

impl<T, P> Clone for Pair<T, P> where
    T: Clone,
    P: Clone

impl Clone for Abi

impl Clone for Arm

impl Clone for AttrStyle

impl Clone for Attribute

impl Clone for BareFnArg

impl Clone for BinOp

impl Clone for Binding

impl Clone for Block

impl Clone for ConstParam

impl Clone for Constraint

impl Clone for Data

impl Clone for DataEnum

impl Clone for DataStruct

impl Clone for DataUnion

impl Clone for Expr

impl Clone for ExprArray

impl Clone for ExprAssign

impl Clone for ExprAsync

impl Clone for ExprAwait

impl Clone for ExprBinary

impl Clone for ExprBlock

impl Clone for ExprBox

impl Clone for ExprBreak

impl Clone for ExprCall

impl Clone for ExprCast

impl Clone for ExprField

impl Clone for ExprGroup

impl Clone for ExprIf

impl Clone for ExprIndex

impl Clone for ExprLet

impl Clone for ExprLit

impl Clone for ExprLoop

impl Clone for ExprMacro

impl Clone for ExprMatch

impl Clone for ExprParen

impl Clone for ExprPath

impl Clone for ExprRange

impl Clone for ExprRepeat

impl Clone for ExprReturn

impl Clone for ExprStruct

impl Clone for ExprTry

impl Clone for ExprTuple

impl Clone for ExprType

impl Clone for ExprUnary

impl Clone for ExprUnsafe

impl Clone for ExprWhile

impl Clone for ExprYield

impl Clone for Field

impl Clone for FieldPat

impl Clone for FieldValue

impl Clone for Fields

impl Clone for File

impl Clone for FnArg

impl Clone for Generics

impl Clone for ImplItem

impl Clone for Index

impl Clone for Item

impl Clone for ItemConst

impl Clone for ItemEnum

impl Clone for ItemFn

impl Clone for ItemImpl

impl Clone for ItemMacro

impl Clone for ItemMacro2

impl Clone for ItemMod

impl Clone for ItemStatic

impl Clone for ItemStruct

impl Clone for ItemTrait

impl Clone for ItemType

impl Clone for ItemUnion

impl Clone for ItemUse

impl Clone for Label

impl Clone for Lit

impl Clone for LitBool

impl Clone for Local

impl Clone for Macro

impl Clone for Member

impl Clone for Meta

impl Clone for MetaList

impl Clone for NestedMeta

impl Clone for Pat

impl Clone for PatBox

impl Clone for PatIdent

impl Clone for PatLit

impl Clone for PatMacro

impl Clone for PatOr

impl Clone for PatPath

impl Clone for PatRange

impl Clone for PatRest

impl Clone for PatSlice

impl Clone for PatStruct

impl Clone for PatTuple

impl Clone for PatType

impl Clone for PatWild

impl Clone for Path

impl Clone for QSelf

impl Clone for Receiver

impl Clone for ReturnType

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for Stmt

impl Clone for TraitBound

impl Clone for TraitItem

impl Clone for Type

impl Clone for TypeArray

impl Clone for TypeBareFn

impl Clone for TypeGroup

impl Clone for TypeInfer

impl Clone for TypeMacro

impl Clone for TypeNever

impl Clone for TypeParam

impl Clone for TypeParen

impl Clone for TypePath

impl Clone for TypePtr

impl Clone for TypeSlice

impl Clone for TypeTuple

impl Clone for UnOp

impl Clone for UseGlob

impl Clone for UseGroup

impl Clone for UseName

impl Clone for UsePath

impl Clone for UseRename

impl Clone for UseTree

impl Clone for Variadic

impl Clone for Variant

impl Clone for VisCrate

impl Clone for VisPublic

impl Clone for Visibility

impl<'c, 'a> Clone for StepCursor<'c, 'a>

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for AddBounds

impl Clone for BindStyle

impl<'a> Clone for BindingInfo<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for VariantAst<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for VariantInfo<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for Structure<'a>

impl Clone for Keccak

impl<A> Clone for ArrayVec<A> where
    A: Array + Clone,
    A::Item: Clone

impl<A> Clone for TinyVec<A> where
    A: Array + Clone,
    A::Item: Clone

impl Clone for Map<String, Value>

impl Clone for Value

impl Clone for Datetime

impl Clone for Error

impl Clone for Error

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Spanned<T>

impl Clone for Cogs

impl Clone for _0002_

impl Clone for _0003_

impl Clone for _0004_

impl Clone for _0005_

impl Clone for _0006_

impl Clone for _0007_

impl Clone for _0008_

impl Clone for _0009_

impl Clone for _0010_

impl Clone for _0011_

impl Clone for _0012_

impl Clone for _0013_

impl Clone for _0014_

impl Clone for _0015_

impl Clone for _0016_

impl Clone for _0017_

impl Clone for _0018_

impl Clone for _0019_

impl Clone for _0020_

impl Clone for _0021_

impl Clone for _0022_

impl Clone for _0023_

impl Clone for _0024_

impl Clone for _0025_

impl Clone for _0026_

impl Clone for _0027_

impl Clone for _0028_

impl Clone for _0029_

impl Clone for _0030_

impl Clone for _0031_

impl Clone for _0032_

impl Clone for _0033_

impl Clone for _0034_

impl Clone for _0035_

impl Clone for _0036_

impl Clone for _0038_

impl Clone for _1001_

impl Clone for _2001_

impl Clone for _2002_

impl Clone for _2003_

impl Clone for _2004_

impl Clone for _2005_

impl Clone for _3001_

impl Clone for Inventory

impl Clone for Coins

impl Clone for Tokens

impl Clone for Provisions

impl Clone for Parties

impl Clone for _3003_

impl Clone for Sales

impl Clone for _1002_

impl Clone for A

impl Clone for L

impl Clone for E

impl Clone for I

impl Clone for X

impl Clone for P

impl Clone for B

impl Clone for Ledger

impl Clone for Indicator

impl<AccountId: Clone, Hash: Clone, BlockNumber: Clone> Clone for Record<AccountId, Hash, BlockNumber>

impl Clone for Reason

impl<Hash: Clone> Clone for TxKeysT<Hash>

impl<AccountId: Clone> Clone for OrderHeader<AccountId>

impl<Hash: Clone> Clone for OrderItem<Hash>

impl<Hash: Clone> Clone for TxKeysL<Hash>

impl<Hash: Clone> Clone for TxKeysM<Hash>

impl<Hash: Clone> Clone for TxKeysS<Hash>

impl Clone for LockStatus

impl<AccountId: Clone, ProjectStatus: Clone> Clone for DeletedProject<AccountId, ProjectStatus>

impl<AccountId: Clone, ReferenceHash: Clone, NumberOfBlocks: Clone, LockStatus: Clone, StatusOfTimeRecord: Clone, ReasonCodeStruct: Clone, PostingPeriod: Clone, StartOrEndBlockNumber: Clone, NumberOfBreaks: Clone> Clone for Timekeeper<AccountId, ReferenceHash, NumberOfBlocks, LockStatus, StatusOfTimeRecord, ReasonCodeStruct, PostingPeriod, StartOrEndBlockNumber, NumberOfBreaks>

impl Clone for RecordType

impl<T: Clone> Clone for WithDispatch<T>

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Instrumented<T>

impl Clone for Span

impl Clone for Identifier

impl Clone for Dispatch

impl<T: Clone + Display> Clone for DisplayValue<T>

impl<T: Clone + Debug> Clone for DebugValue<T>

impl Clone for Field

impl Clone for Kind

impl Clone for Level

impl Clone for Id

impl Clone for Interest

impl<V: Clone> Clone for Alt<V>

impl<D: Clone, V: Clone> Clone for Delimited<D, V>

impl<V: Clone> Clone for Messages<V>

impl Clone for BadName

impl<F: Clone> Clone for FilterFn<F>

impl<S, F, R> Clone for DynFilterFn<S, F, R> where
    F: Clone,
    R: Clone

impl<L: Clone, F: Clone, S: Clone> Clone for Filtered<L, F, S>

impl Clone for FilterId

impl Clone for Targets

impl Clone for Json

impl Clone for Pretty

impl<F: Clone> Clone for FieldFn<F>

impl Clone for Compact

impl Clone for Full

impl<F: Clone, T: Clone> Clone for Format<F, T>

impl Clone for FmtSpan

impl Clone for SystemTime

impl Clone for Uptime

impl Clone for ChronoUtc

impl<A: Clone, B: Clone> Clone for EitherWriter<A, B>

impl<M: Clone> Clone for WithMaxLevel<M>

impl<M: Clone> Clone for WithMinLevel<M>

impl<M: Clone, F: Clone> Clone for WithFilter<M, F>

impl<A: Clone, B: Clone> Clone for OrElse<A, B>

impl<A: Clone, B: Clone> Clone for Tee<A, B>

impl<W: Clone> Clone for ArcWriter<W>

impl<'a, S> Clone for Context<'a, S>

impl<L: Clone, I: Clone, S: Clone> Clone for Layered<L, I, S>

impl Clone for Identity

impl<L, S> Clone for Handle<L, S>

impl<'a> Clone for NodeHandle<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for Node<'a>

impl Clone for NodePlan

impl<HO: Clone> Clone for ChildReference<HO>

impl<HO: Clone> Clone for Record<HO>

impl Clone for NibbleVec

impl<'a> Clone for NibbleSlice<'a>

impl<T: Clone, E: Clone> Clone for TrieError<T, E>

impl Clone for TrieSpec

impl<L: Clone + TrieLayout> Clone for TrieFactory<L>

impl Clone for XxHash64

impl Clone for XxHash32

impl Clone for Hash64

impl Clone for Hash128

impl Clone for B0

impl Clone for B1

impl<U: Clone + Unsigned + NonZero> Clone for PInt<U>

impl<U: Clone + Unsigned + NonZero> Clone for NInt<U>

impl Clone for Z0

impl Clone for UTerm

impl<U: Clone, B: Clone> Clone for UInt<U, B>

impl Clone for ATerm

impl<V: Clone, A: Clone> Clone for TArr<V, A>

impl Clone for Greater

impl Clone for Less

impl Clone for Equal

impl<I: Clone> Clone for Decompositions<I>

impl<I: Clone> Clone for Recompositions<I>

impl<I: Clone> Clone for Replacements<I>

impl<'a> Clone for GraphemeIndices<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for Graphemes<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for UWordBounds<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for UWordBoundIndices<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for UnicodeSentences<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for USentenceBounds<'a>

impl<'a> Clone for USentenceBoundIndices<'a>

impl Clone for FuncRef

impl Clone for GlobalRef

impl Clone for MemoryRef

impl Clone for ModuleRef

impl Clone for ExternVal

impl Clone for F32

impl Clone for F64

impl Clone for TableRef

impl Clone for Signature

impl Clone for ValueType

impl Clone for BlockFrame

impl<Z: Zeroize + Clone> Clone for Zeroizing<Z>